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Catalog # Title Composer
Voicing Instruments Price
AMP 0450P Hodie Christus Natus Est?Instrumental parts Quintana Trumpets I and II, Trombones I and II, keyboard $10.00
AMP 0990 Hodie initium Bigler SATB a cappella $2.20
AMP 1059 Hodie! Armstrong SATB piano $2.00
AMP 1054 Hold Fast to Dreams Coleman SATB a cappella $2.50
AMP 1173 Hold You, Enfold You Emery SATB a cappella, opt. descant $2.50
AMP 1177 Home Steffen SSATB piano $2.80
AMP 0954 Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead Holst/Dove SSAA a cappella $1.80
AMP 1049 Hope Is... Jordan SSAA $2.00
AMP 0102 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Daley SATB percussion $1.60
AMP 0743 House Song to the East Santore SSAATTBB a cappella $1.90
AMP 0112 How Can I Keep From Singing? Bacon Unison keyboard $1.40
AMP 0300 How Can I Keep From Singing? Lowry/Stroope SATB a cappella $2.30
AMP 0233 How Do I Love Thee? Boland SSAA keyboard $1.90
AMP 1000 How Sweet The Moonlight Stroope SSATBB a cappella $2.00
AMP 0794 How The Flowers Came Daley SSA piano $1.90
AMP 1138 Human Touch, The Daley SSA piano $2.20
AMP 0978 Huron Carol Hetherington SATB flute or alto flute, wind chimes and drum $2.20
AMP 0848 Hymn for St. Cecilia, A Daley SSA piano $2.10
AMP 0242 Hymn to Music Markley TTBB a cappella $1.70
AMP 0360 I Am a Poor Wayfarin' Stranger Bailey SATB a cappella $1.70

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