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Catalog # Title Composer
Voicing Instruments Price
AMP 0291 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Mathews SA keyboard $1.90
AMP 5001 Strange Places (Christmas Pageant) Daley SATB keyboard $8.95
AMP 0653 Sugar-Plum Tree, The Daley SA piano $1.60
AMP 0637 Sunny Bank Daley SSAA piano, flute and glockenspiel $1.90
AMP 0117 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Daley SATB a cappella $1.50
AMP 0433 Sussex Carol, The Overland SSA(A) piano and flute $2.20
AMP 1017 Sweet Da Rold TTBB a cappella $1.90
AMP 0931 Sweet and Low White SATB a cappella $1.80
AMP 0192 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Hogan SATB divisi piano and flute $2.50
AMP 0994 Take Me To The Mountain Powell SATB a cappella $1.90
AMP 1089 Take the Train Antognini SATB piano $2.20
AMC 1016 Tambourica Kirk SAB keyboard $2.30
AMP 0585 Tching-Tchinga-Ryah Maddux SSAA Piano $2.50
AMP 0227 Te Invocamus Albrechtsberger/Banner SATB keyboard $2.10
AMP 0227P Te Invocamus–Instrumental Parts Albrechtsberger/Banner SATB Clarino I and II in D, Timpani, Violin I and II and Continuo $20.00
AMP 0722 Ten Thousand Miles Porter SSA Piano and Violin $2.10
AMP 0625 Tenting Tonight Rentz TB piano $2.00
AMP 0785 That Heart I'll Give Farnell T(T)B Piano $1.90
AMP 0010 That's Where My Money Goes Lou Williams-Wimberly TB bass/keyboard $1.70
AMP 0010CD That's Where My Money Goes-accompaniment CD TB $12.95

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