
Composed by Ivo Antognini
Edited by Desmond Earley
Voicing: SATB
Instrumentation: oboe
Catalog number: AMP 1007
Price: $2.10


The long and waving line of the blue hills

Makes rhythmical the twilight, no sharp peak

Pierces the kind air with a rough–hewn will

To storm the sky, no soaring mountains seek

To break the melody of the flowing line,

But the hills wander on in a long wave,

And all the while invisible stars shine

Over the sea and the white cairn of Maeve.

Eva Gore-Booth (1870 – 1926)

PEACE is the second of three pieces that I wrote for the UCD (University College Dublin) Choral Scholars, directed by Desmond Earley. This “Irish Trilogy” centers on three key elements: War, Peace and Aimhirgin. This setting for mixed choir and oboe is taken from a beautiful poem by Eva Gore– Booth. I found this text quite magical and enchanting; it speaks of vast expanses, closing with this beautiful verse: And all the while invisible stars shine Over the sea and the white cairn of Maeve. With my music I've tried to describe the sense of peace that this gifted poet must have felt while experiencing such a wonderful landscape.

     Ivo Antognini


This commission project was made possible by the generosity of more than eighty individual donors through Irish crowd-funding website University College Dublin Choral Scholars would like to express our sincere thanks to these donors for bringing this project to life. The names of the donors are listed below. Finally, the choir would like to thank the team at and Business to Arts (Ireland), for their help and support in running this crowdfunding campaign.

University College Dublin Choral Scholars would like to offer special thanks to the Embassy of Switzerland in Ireland, who also made a special donation to this project. We are very grateful for this support.

David Agnew Emma Fletcher Frank Neville
Ken Aherne Jennifer Geraghty Máire Ní Annracháin
Brid Cannon Susie Gibbons Aisling Nic an Rýogh
Sharon Carty Rebecca Gilbert Michéal Ó Cathasaigh
Eamonn Ceannt Toby Gilbert Stephen O'Brien
Sheenagh & Charles Katie Greene Éilís O'Brien
            Chapman Paul Harkin Aisling O'Grady
Mary Codd Rosalie Jenkinson Maureen O'Hagan
Alan & Martine Conway Dennis Jennings Marjorie O'Hogan
Aoife Daly Barbara Jones Megan 'Neill
Peter Daniels Maeve Jones–O'Connor Paul Oslizlok
Hugh Davies John Keogan Andrew Redmond
Gillian Diamond Deborah King Jonathon Rogers
Rachel Dilworth David Leahy Tristan Rosenstock
John and Bridget Doyle Orla Lenehan Eileen Ruddy
Seamus Doyle Matthew Lynch Jill Sawyer
Eamon Drea Niamh McCaughey Mark Simpson
Martin Duffy Aisling McCormick Mikie Smyth
Desmond Earley Liz McGloughlin Niall Stafford
Julian Erskine Ann McLaughlin Lynn Sullivan
Maeve Falconer Conor Molloy Stephen Tennant–
David Falconer Mary Molloy             Humphreys
Eoin Falconer Brian Molloy Dairine Trundle
Evan Farrell Tish Mooney Michael Walsh
Philip Fitzpatrick Brian Mourning Liam Waters
Michael Fleming Méabh Murphy Peter White

In addition to the names above, there were four anonymous donations made to the Fundit campaign.

recording performed by UCD Choral Scholars University College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Desmond Earley, Director

In addition to the names above, there were four anonymous donations made to the Fundit campaign.

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Click here to listen to a recording (MP3).

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