Composed by
David Edmonds
Voicing: SSA
Instrumentation: piano
Catalog number: AMP 1016
Price: $2.10
About the Author
St. Jean Eudes (1601 ‐ 1680) came of age just as the French School of Spirituality was blossoming under the leadership of Pierre de Bérulle and Francis de Sales. This new school would come to dominate Catholic devotional thought all the way through the mid‐20th century. Eudes became a tireless advocate for the poor, sick and disenfranchised early in his life and dedicated himself to missionary work. Ultimately these aims led to the founding of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, and the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, factions of which are still operational today. As an author and theologian, Eudes works were quite influential. He transformed the decidedly individualized character of the French School of Spirituality into a corporeal devotion through the composition of an Office and a Mass Proper for the Feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Heart of Mary. This spiritual character can clearly be seen in his unnamed poem used for this setting of Priere de la Croix.
About the Composer
David Edmonds (b. 1979) currently serves as Director of Choral Activities at the University of Montana. He holds advanced conducting degrees from the University of North Texas and Westminster Choir College. Dr. Edmonds has been commissioned by schools and arts organizations in the United States and Canada.
Text and Translation
Ô Jésus mon amour crucifié, je vous adore dans toute vos souffrances;
O Jesus, my crucified love, I adore you in all of your sufferings;
Je vous demande mille pardons pour le peu de fruits produits
I beg (of you) a thousand pardons for the little fruit I have thus far produced
Jusqu'à present des afflictions qu'il vous a plu de m'envoyer;
From the afflictions it has pleased you to send me;
Je m'en remets à l'Esprit de la croix et dans cet Esprit
I surrender myself to the spirit of the cross and in that spirit
J'embrasse de tout mon coeur par amour pour vous,
I embrace with my whole heart for love of you,
Toutes les croix de corps et d'esprit qui pourraient survenir;
All the crosses of body and spirit that may befall me;
Je fais profession de mettre toute ma gloire mon trésor et mon contentement
dans votre croix,
I profess to place all of my glory, my treasure and my contentment in your cross,
Et je fais profession solennelle de ne vouloir d'autre paradis en ce monde que votre croix. Amen.
And I make a solemn profession to desire no other paradise in this world than your cross. Amen.
To see a performance of Prière de la croix click here.
performance and recording performed by The Chamber Choir of Little Flower Academy
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Marizza Mislang
Click here to see a sample.
Click here to listen to a recording (MP3).